Space Foundation Discovery Center

Space Foundation
4425 Arrowswest Dr
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
United States

Tuesday through Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The Space Foundation Discovery Center is the region's first and only space, science and technology attraction. It is an interactive, museum-quality destination that advances space-based science, technology, engineering and mathematics (S-STEM) in the exciting context of space exploration, development and utilization.

The first phase comprised the Northrop Grumman Science Center, a spectacular educational facility where you learn about our universe on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's amazing Science On a Sphere® (SOS) and the El Pomar Space Gallery, home to the Space Foundation's collection of space artifacts. The recently opened second phase is an expansion of the El Pomar Space Gallery with expanded areas showcasing additional exhibits, artifacts and interactive displays.

We plan to continue to grow and expand in order to offer our visitors even more. Expansion plans for the future include a state-of-the-art interactive teaching auditorium and a Space Technology Hall of Fame®.
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