Planet Duct Air Duct Cleaning.

Planet Duct
5082 List Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
United States

Sun-Sat 8am- 10 pm


Planet Duct Air Duct Cleaning is Colorado Springs premier air duct cleaning service. Our vacuum truck is the most powerful system made for cleaning air ducts. Our certified air duct cleaning technicians have the knowledge and the tools to get your air ducts and dryer vents truly clean. Many companies try to clean air ducts with cheap portable air ducts cleaning machines or even carpet cleaning truck mounts. Their truck mounted equipment is great for cleaning carpet, but it lacks the power the properly clean ducts. How do we know this? Our company owner also owns Southern Colorado’s number 1 carpet cleaning company. He would never use carpet cleaning equipment to clean ducts, because he knows they are not powerful enough to do the job. He simply refuses to rip people off or do a sub- standard job with cheap whip and suck systems. When you see the shuttle bay doors open on our trucks and see the huge HEPA filtration bags inflate, you will understand why Planet Duct has the right stuff.

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