Personal Training & Group Boot Camps at Imprint Fitness: Motivating, Educational, No Drill Sergeants

Imprint Fitness, LLC
PO Box 63104
Colorado Springs, CO 80962-3104
United States


At Imprint Fitness we never take the drill sergeant approach, we believe in persistent motivation and want nothing more than for you to reach your fitness goals with our guidance. We cater to those who need accountability, education and inspiration to permanently change and maintain their lifestyle.

On-site personal training
(Site options include in home, apartment complexes,
local gym or community center facilities)
private 1 on 1 sessions (male or female trainers available)
group rates available

Training program design based on your goals
Emphasis on the fundamentals of resistance training

Rebecca and Scott of Imprint Fitness are certified personal trainers that also offer a fun, affordable alternative to your standard one on one training-that still emphasizes accountability and produces serious results-fast! We have the solution! Our fat blasting fitness bootcamps burn between 800-1000 calories in a fun, 45 minute, group workout incorporating High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). HIIT is the most effective calorie burning, fat obliterating program style out there today so get to our boot camps and we'll make sure you HIIT your goals! Our bootcamps run year round in an awesome gymnastics center with all sorts of obstacles and tools to keep things fun and exciting. You never do the same workout TWICE so boredom is not an option! Memberships allow you to attend as often as you'd like!
So, what are you waiting for? Give us a call to find out more and enroll today! I promise you, you won't be sorry.

Lifestyle transformations
nutritional guidelines
healthy cooking
supplement recommendations

Continued support
email, phone and live chat
distance training/coaching

No drill sergeants
real world solutions
education driven success

* Certified.
* Insured.

For more information and pricing please visit:

OR reach Scott or Rebecca by phone: 716-867-1239

!!Session Availability is Limited!!

At Imprint Fitness, we continually challenge our clients and provide the tools and knowledge to realize permanent change.

You only have one life, choose to live it.
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