Medical Marijuana Directory

Discover and find a list of New York Dispensaries, California Collectives, Colorado Dispensaries, Washington State Dispensaries, and Oregon Dispensaries listed by city. The laws vary by state. Please be sure to know the law prior to making contact. Medical marijuana shopping varies by State and Country in the World. In the United States, there are multiple States such as California and Colorado permitting patients to shop for medical marijuana with a recommendation or license from a licensed physician in the United States.

A doctor performs an examination and determines if you qualify to be a candidate for a medical marijuana license. The next steps are to pay a fee determined by the physician and state, and then you are allowed to go shopping for medicine in your state. In Colorado, the current law says that you do not need a medical examination or license to purchase marijuana. Other states in the United States vary in their laws as to whom can qualify to purchase or medical marijuana shopping. A variety of state qualifying health conditions that may be treated with alternative medicine can be found in this list. Qualifying symptoms related to some health conditions for a medical license may vary from state to state.
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