Maggie's Farm Manitou - Adult use

141 Manitou Avenue
Manitou Springs, CO 80929
United States

Maggie’s Farm. The best meds under the sun!

This is a different level of medicine which you can actually feel. For those of you who have not had the opportunity to sample our medicine, come on in – we are open 7 days a week, 8 AM to 7 PM. And to those who are regular customers, we appreciate your business and especially your good will among the community. We are growing and well… growing, and the more we learn from you, the better we can be.

All of our product is sun-grown in 100% truly organic, all natural soil. And for enhanced value, we use pure water from a local spring, cure slowly and hand-trim to perfection.

I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to share the results of a product grown under my native state’s sun with the Medical Marijuana community.

Thank you, and enjoy Different Energy!

Bill, grower and owner of Maggie’s Farm Marijuana

Completely Different Energy
It always starts with a seed.

That’s Nature’s preferred choice for reproduction…a seed.
Always has been. Maggie’s Farm always grows from seed.

Cloned plants can develop “genetic drift” which deals with how traits begin to change as a plant gets weathered through stress. Cannabis is an annual, in nature, which is reborn every spring through seed germination.

Indoor growers, working with plants weathered by abnormal stress, IE: like never-dying mother plants, will use insecticides, hormones, stimulants, and fungicides to keep the mother plants “healthy”. The plant’s health is only temporary though as chemicals actually change the plant, leading to the “genetic drift”.

Growing from seed is simply better.

Seed is a fresh genetic representation which has not been through “seasons” of abuse.

Carefully bred, seed grown plants, can exhibit something called “genetic vigor,” when plants actually excel beyond previous expectations. We work to ensure that we don’t weaken genetics through inbreeding. We focus on reproducing your favorite genetics, while we also help grow the science of cannabis genetics, in cooperation with the industries leading professionals.

For gigantic, industrial, indoor, grows, cloning is a mandatory part of manufacturing on a very fast tight schedule, rushing out 6 super sized crops each year.

Large factories that must clone, carry a very different intention and energy, than outdoor farms in the country do.

All in a attempt to recreate elements nature already had dialed in, and perfected eons ago. Maggie’s Farm grows outdoors, only one crop each year. Medicine, grown with an intention to cooperate with Nature, not to compete against her.

100% Organic, Custom Blended Soil.

Seeds, planted outdoors, under real sunlight, in 100% Organic, Custom Blended Soil. Maggie’s Farm grows in real living soil. Just like nature does !
Not grown in hydro, not rockwool, not in air, not in water.
Exactly how nature does it, in a perfected blend of Organic soil, developed by Maggie’s Master Grower laboriously, over many seasons, until he got it just right.

Next it takes some special water, to make special medicine.

Not water that has been chlorinated, fluoridated, and in some metro areas, even re-used! Huge commercial grows located within a city, turn on the tap and chlorinated, fluoridated, water is all they have to grow, flush, and sustain, your medicine with.

Maggie’s uses only fresh spring water to make sure your medicine contains and delivers a completely different energy. Energy that is only available from the best water and from The Sun.

Under Colorado Sun

What can be grown without the blessings of the sun?Quite a bit lately, Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium, LED’s, the race to commercially replicate good old fashioned sunlight, goes on unabated at a fevered pace.

Plants go from 18 hours of light, in an industrial nursery, are placed into a flower room, and forced in just one day, to adjust to an instant 33% reduction in light. That’s not how Nature does it.

Maggie’s Farm grows outdoors where a plant’s light period changes slowly… gradually….naturally, over the course of 7-10 days. The days shorten, the temperatures drop a little, the plant gathers all this information, has time to comply with all these natural changes, and so begins the transition to flower.

Shine some light on how your current medicine is being grown. If you find its being lighted artificially, there is an alternative. We use the wonders of the sun, in growing the very best medicines, to brighten your day.

Going slowly is good!

An important aspect of growing top quality, organically grown, medicine,(also, in how your medicine tastes) is dictated by the curing process. In the fast paced world of indoor, industrially, produced grows, it can literally be just days in between harvesting, drying, and being placed on a shelf for sale. Drying is what you do to your clothes. Proper curing is about going slowly, not forcing all the moisture out ASAP. Instead, allowing Nature to spend all the time required to slowly cure your medicine. This produces a difference in taste and effectiveness, that we encourage you to experience today.

The very last step is to Hand Trim your medicine.

A real person, not a machine, trims your medicine with the care and respect it deserves. Gently, carefully, removing what you don’t need, and leaving undisturbed everything you prize most, in superior medicine. Grow factory’s produce huge amounts of product, and consequently throw their wet harvested crop immediately into a “trimming machine”. Wet fragile flower, tumbles, falls, spins around, over and over and over, knocking off…cutting off, not just the fans leaves, but also some of the most important components of effective medicine…the trichomes.

Maggie’s Farm Does not use trim machines. We only hand trim.

Maggie’s allows the trichomes to set up and harden through proper curing, over the course of many months.

Only after your medicine is fully cured does Maggie’s carefully trained trim crews, hand trim each bud, with the care and respect the very best medicine deserves. An exchange of human energy occurs, that a machine can’t ever reproduce.

At Maggie’s Farm, we keep lighted magnifying viewer’s right on the counter so you can easily see the difference proper curing and hand trimming makes in the final product. Come on in and have a look for yourself.

After you SEE the difference, FEEL the difference, that working with nature creates, in your medicine today.
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