Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region-Colorado Springs

Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region-Colorado Springs
610 Abbott Ln,
Colorado Springs, CO 80905
United States


A kitten lost and alone. A dog wandering along a roadway, cars rushing past. An abandoned cat left in a deserted apartment. An underfed dog left in a backyard with no food or water.

For most of us, our pets are an important, cherished member of the family. But that's not the case for all animals. What happens to these animals? Where do they go? Who takes care of them and protects them?

Founded in 1949, the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region is a private, non-profit animal welfare organization dedicated to the care and protection of domesticated animals in our community. The Humane Society rescues and cares for animals in distress, re-unites lost pets with their owners, finds loving permanent homes for homeless animals, teaches people how to properly care for and respect animals as well as enforces licensing and other animal ordinances.

On average, more than 23,000 animals pass through the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region's doors annually: lost pets, injured animals, rescued animals, and surrendered animals. Thanks to the support of many individuals, contracts and fees, the Humane Society is able to make a huge difference in the lives of those who cannot speak for themselves, the abandoned pets of our community.

The Humane Society doesn't just cater to pet lovers in our community. In its strategic plan, non-pet owners are identified as one of the Humane Society's key customers. As the mission states, the Humane Society works to develop a community where animals are inherently valued. This applies to all people, whether or not they own pets.

City and County ordinances regarding pets are designed to maintain harmony and responsible pet ownership in the community. While enforcing the ordinances, the Humane Society maintains an attitude of educating pet owners and helping them be in compliance. Animal Welfare Officers encourage neighbors to work differences out in a positive manner.

Officers also conduct thousands of welfare investigations each year, and when we find animals suffering from neglect or cruelty, we prosecute their caretakers to the fullest extent of the law.

In addition to handling animal related citizen complaints and animal ordinance violations, Officers pick up stray and injured animals. On average, Officers respond to over 29,000 calls per year. They also investigate cruelty, abuse and neglect cases.

The Humane Society serves the community by providing a place for owners surrendering an animal. The reasons for surrendering a pet vary, but without a shelter, those animals would be abandoned to fend for themselves, potentially creating a threat to citizens. A high percentage of animals available for adoption at the shelter successfully find new homes.

One of the most upsetting experiences is coming home and finding a beloved pet gone. The gate was left open and the dog escaped or a loose window screen allowed a cat to sneak out. Without a shelter, pet owners wouldn't have a central location to look for their lost pets or to report their pets missing. The Humane Society's Lost and Found services reunites thousands of pets and their owners annually.

The Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region is the largest animal shelter in southern and western Colorado, serving thousands of citizens and pets annually through our animal services, and by offering volunteer opportunities, education services and community outreach programs.
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