Food to Power

Food to Power
1090 S. Institute St. Colorado Springs
CO, CO 80903
United States


Food insecurity is associated with lifelong adverse health outcomes including birth defects, asthma, poor oral health, depression, diabetes, and hypertension. In Colorado, food insecurity is even more closely tied to health outcomes than poverty. This is unsurprising as the fresh, nutritious food needed for a healthy mind and body are often inaccessible or less accessible to food insecure individuals. 

Food to Power (FTP) is connecting food insecure community members in Colorado Springs with fresh food and the education needed to joyfully grow, prepare, and consume it. Our model is unique in the nation because it addresses each component of the food system — from seed to compost. Our program complements our model by addressing the root causes of food insecurity: food access, education, advocacy, and production. When combined, Food to Power is permanently ending fresh food insecurity and improving community health outcomes by creating, cultivating, and sustaining equitable food ecosystems. 

FTP’s flagship programs include: 

  • Food Access: co-created with community members and focus on making healthy foods financially and physically accessible through direct redistribution services.
    • Programs: Food Recovery, No Cost Grocery, No Cost Delivery, Street Petz, and Colorado Springs' first Community Fridge
  • Food Education & Advocacy: combines FTP staff expertise and community knowledge to teach individuals of all ages to maximize the health and environmental benefits of growing, preparing, and eating healthy foods.
    • Programs: Food-Systems Leadership for Youth Internship, Community Workshops, Street Team, Food Equity Research
  • Food Production: increase healthy food access by growing and teaching community members to grow fresh food.
    • Programs include: City-Wide Community Composting, Urban Farm, Agricultural Community Workshops
Patience Kabwasa
1090 S. Institute St.
Colorado Springs CO 80903
United States
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