CPCD - Giving Children a Head Start

2330 Robinson Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
United States


Why Early Childhood Education?

Right now, 10,700 children under age 6 are living in poverty in El Paso County.

The future for these children is bleak. They are more likely to drop out of school, commit crimes, become teen parents and depend upon government assistance. Not only do these outcomes affect the future of our children, but they affect the future of our state’s economy and ability to compete in a global workforce.

This can all be changed with an early childhood education combined with family support. Investing in children ages birth to age five will ensure a brighter future for El Paso County.

Who We Are

CPCD provides 1,899 children living in poverty or challenged by special circumstances with an early childhood education through four core programs - Head Start, Early Head Start, the Colorado Preschool Program and a community-funded preschool classroom.

We bring together all sectors of the community – from businesses and other nonprofits to government agencies and faith-based organizations – to make sure our communities most vulnerable children are prepared for school, career and life.

CPCD isn’t just free preschool. We collaborate with the community to bring a comprehensive set of services to our children and families, including health, behavioral health, dental, nutrition, transportation, and family support services.

We are building a stronger county, state and nation, one where all children deserve the opportunity and support they need to begin school ready and equipped with the tools needed to succeed in life. We hope that you will join us in our mission.
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