Adventure With a Purpose

15 E Espanola St
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
United States


ADVENTURE WITH A PURPOSE is a grassroots movement that is founded on the belief that life is an we live, what we live for and who we help along the way matters. AWAP is a Colorado non-profit 501©3 that provides events and retreats that inspire people to live life with a sense of adventure and purpose.

Our Practice: Our retreats and events get people away from the grind of life for a personal exploration of themselves, their relationship with God and others.

Our Invitation: We invite you to explore your relationship with God, to develop meaningful relationships with others and to discover what is true about you.

Our Commitment: We are committed to bringing groups of people together in natural, healthy, fun and safe interactive environments. The design of every AWAP gathering is to create intentional, hands on, experiential learning and relational environment that can assist people in discovering how to live this life to the fullest potential for which God has created them.

What Drives Us: We are dedicated to helping people live a healthier life connecting body, mind and spirit. We believe that every person is created for a relationship with God and others.

Our Message: AWAP teaches communities what it looks like to trust God and experience His love. We inspire people to use their gifts and abilities to impact the world in a meaningful way. We encourage others to take the risk and live life as an adventure.

Our Practice: We don't have it all figured out (no one really does) we are on a journey of discovering God and each other in the midst of the ordinary and extraordinary adventures of this life. Events bring people together to enjoy each other and be inspired along the way. Our retreats get people away from the grind of life for a personal exploration of themselves, their relationship with God and others.

Stuff We Believe: We believe we have life and breath because God gave it! Each person has value and worth, purpose and meaning. Each person longs to be loved and accepted. We are not alone or on our own...we need each other. We all face challenges and difficulties how we go through them matters. Life was meant to be enjoyed and to be lived with a sense of joy and delight. This life is not all there is. We are to be generous with all we have and serve others. We really aren't that different from each other. We are all broken and in need of loving Savior. Every person has been given gifts, talents, skills and abilities that are to be generously shared. We believe that together, we can be and do more. We believe that in order to live life to the fullest we need God, others to share it with, and a purpose that is bigger than ourselves. Bottom line we believe it's important to: Enjoy Life. Honor God. Love Others.

Through sponsors and tax deductible donations we are able to provide community gatherings, retreats, activities, events, and races that assist us in accomplishing our purpose.

Why we do it!
Misty and Ron have discovered the value and necessity of bringing people together who share a common interest, activity, belief, need or purpose. We have found purpose and meaning in life as we've embraced the fact that God loves us deeply and the more we trust Him the richer and fuller our lives become.

We have also found that daily, ordinary life can be an adventure. But we must be freed up to be the people God has created us to be, to use the gifts, talents and abilities to impact the lives of others.

Lastly our life has been forever changed as we embrace the power and necessity for community. As groups of people come together it can be messy, but also empowering. Together, we can be and accomplish what we can't on our own!

Daily life is an "adventure" worth living...and it matters how we live it.
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