One Child Matters

15475 Gleneagle Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80921
United States


One Child Matters is a child sponsorship organization helping to meet the physical and spiritual needs of children in poverty-stricken areas of the world. Through our ministry programs, children receive food, education, medical aid and hope in Jesus Christ.

Our Vision

To see the children of developing nations, who live in poverty, experience transformation and wholeness through God's love.

Our Mission

To equip children in developing nations to reach their God-given potential by creating opportunities for spiritual, physical, social, mental and emotional development.

Core Values

Collaboration — We will actively seek opportunities to impact children through partnership at local, national and international levels.

Excellence — We will continually strive to attain the highest standards of quality in all aspects of our work and ministry.

Generosity — We will give sacrificially of our lives, time, and resources, with joy.

Truth — We believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God and the foundation of our values, purpose, and actions.

Integrity — We will keep our commitments and be honest and transparent in our conduct.

Servanthood — We will choose the attitude and action of servants in all love, humility, and joy while recognizing the value of all people.

Child-Centered — Our decisions and actions will be governed by the best interest of the child.
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