Joseph's Fine Dining

Joseph's Fine Dining
1606 S. Eighth St.
Colorado Springs, CO
United States

Joseph Freyre, owner of "Joseph's Fine Dining", has been in the restaurant business for over 25 years working in many five star hotels and restaurants. Joseph completed his culinary training at "Del Webb Culinary Institute" in Phoenix Az. He went on to become Matre D of the prestigious Garden of the Gods Club for 5 years. After great success at the Garden of the Gods Club, Joseph spent 15 years at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colorado, a Five Star Five Diamond Hotel in the area. At the hotel, he acted as Matre D of the famous Penrose Room for over 10 years and saw many successes during his tenure. During his time with the Broadmoor, his expertise on table side preparation helped Joseph to become the official trainer of the Broadmoor Hotel wait staff.

Joseph has since owned and operated several restaurants including Josephs Hatch Cover and the popular Manitou Pancake and Steak which he currently co-owns with his brother Luis. Josephs passion for fine dining and cuisine has led him to open Joesphs Fine Dining. Using his history in fine dining ans his culinary expertise, Joseph has created a menu at his new location where he mixes the world of old table side flamb cooking with nouveau cuisine sure to suit the tastes of even the most discriminating diner.
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