William Muhr, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, LLP are committed to justice for accident victims who have sustained a spinal injury, back injury, neck pain (whiplash), Disc Protrusion or Herniations, head injury, paralysis or disfigurement. Get free advice by an experienced attorney for injuries suffered on dangerous premises or in auto accidents. We will explain your rights and advise on how to proceed with your case. Insurance companies representing persons at-fault for an accident, will contact the injured party and coerce them into settling their claim immediately. What should you do if an insurance company refuses to pay your medical bills from a car accident? Don't Sign Anything Until You Speak with an Attorney from our firm. Victims suffering a catastrophic injury, deserve an experienced Colorado personal injury attorney. Our law firm fights for the compensation you deserve for lost wages, pain and suffering and medical expenses and we have done so for over 25 years in Colorado. Delay in filing an accident claim can affect your rights in your personal injury matter. Do you have questions? Who will pay the damages to your vehicle? Our law firm answers car accident and traffic accident questions. We have a "no win - no fee" policy. Our law firm collects no fee unless we get you the settlement you deserve. If you've suffered the tragic loss of a loved one from an accident, speak with a wrongful death attorney. Please visit our website at http://www.williammuhr.com for more information. We Get Paid Only If We Win. FREE ADVICE: muhr@pcisys.net 303-771-7077(Denver); 719-598-9877 (Colorado Springs)