Blue Star Recyclers

100 Talamine Court
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
United States


Blue Star Recyclers is an award-winning 501c3 social enterprise with locations in Colorado Springs and Denver, CO. Founded in 2009, our core mission is recycling electronics and other materials to create local jobs for people with autism and other disAbilities.

Employee with disAbilities seen taking a computer apart.
Our mission to date has produced these triple-bottom line results:
Over 38 local jobs for people with disAbilities in 4 Colorado communities
Over $2 million in new local revenues and $1 million in taxpayer savings
Over 6.8 million pounds of electronics ethically recycled
In addition to our significant economic, environmental, and social deliverables, our workers with autism and other disAbilities have posted the following occupational metrics since 2008:
Cover of Blue Star Recyclers 2014 Annual Report
0% employee turnover
0% employee absenteeism
No lost time accidents
97% "on the clock" work task engagement
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