Association of Fundraising Professionals

Colorado Springs, CO 80903
United States


The Association of Fundraising Professionals Southern Colorado Chapter is committed to refining its member offerings and thus its chapter model to deliver relevant and valued service to its members. By aligning it board leadership, programs, and volunteers with the chapter’s economic engine, the chapter will meet the needs of its members and add value as a community collaborator.


Our Global Mission

AFP, an association of professionals, advances philanthropy by enabling people and organizations to practice ethical fundraising and effective fundraising.

Our Local Commitment
To create a vibrant community of professionals in Southern Colorado committed to practicing ethical and effective fundraising.


We believe that ethical and effective fundraising is the cornerstone of philanthropy and that philanthropy changes the world.
We support the stated values of the international association.
We believe in fostering a professional climate for fundraising professionals that is supportive, safe, and reliable.
We value the free and robust exchange of ideas related to our professional practice as a means to develop a more vibrant philanthropic community.
We value inclusively, welcoming professionals from every corner of the philanthropic sector.
We are energetic and fun


AFP SoCo creates connectivity between and among all people who are committed to raising money ethically and effectively by practicing the AFP Principles and Standards, regardless of membership; who are interested in their own career development; and are enthusiastic about being part of a local network of equally dedicated professionals.


Our all volunteer chapter specializes in two types of programmatic offerings:

Education through (see our published education calendar).
Workshops featuring national caliber fundraising professionals who are based in Colorado.
Annual Summit on Philanthropy.
Peer Networking and Support through
Quarterly chapter community meetings
Annual holiday celebration
Chapter connect at the International Conference
At each event, board members apprise chapter members of important chapter business and offer a short, compelling national update and timely give-aways such as CDs, books, and other tools of the trade designed to spur excellence in practice.
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